Monday, November 24, 2008

No and No

wow. The carpet cleaner arrived 2 hours early, and I didn't get the post written that I'd planned. You'll have to wait for it. Instead, once he'd finished, I headed out to run errands. I came back to find the mailman delivering today's mail. Usually he is my friend. But not today.

Today's mail contained a thin envelope from Road to CA. Thin is usually bad. It was doubly bad. Both of my quilts, "Cascading Crystal Kaweah" and "Psalm 46:10 Be Still" were rejected. No and no. Wow.

Since 1995, (or was it 96?) I've had quilts almost every year in that show. Back then it was known as "Crossroads" and was held in a hotel lobby. Over the past three years, they rejected my two best quilts, but each got in the following year. These two latest rejected quilts are infinitely better than the previous two. I'm improving, but the competition is improving more than I am.

And so, I will reconsider the stack of entry forms in my binder. Is it worth the $$ to enter, when all I've received lately are reject letters? Or should I hang my quilts at home, hide my light under a bushel and keep on keeping on? 'Tis something to consider. And I'm considering. I'll let you know what I decide...

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