Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Graduation

We took another whirlwind trip - 34 hours - this weekend, this time to Davis. It was the occasion of our third college graduation, which was pretty fun.

This young man was awarded a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering...provided that his last two classes are offered this summer and he completes them as planned. He's ready to be done, and is willing to hurtle over any obstacle in his path.

Here is much of the family, gathered together to celebrate. Our youngest asked me how it felt to be the mother of 3 graduates...I asked him how it felt to be the only one in the group without a degree. (These eight people represent eleven degrees, all from the University of California...2,0,2,1,1,1,1, No wonder dinner table conversation involved electron fields and calculus...

Here's a candid shot...

And another one. This is my dad, in the foreground. I don't think he knows he's posted on the web...

And this is our daughter and her husband. Isn't this a nice picture? :)

I have dozens more, but I'll save them. Facebook wouldn't let me post pictures this morning, so thank you for indulging me and allowing me to share the day with the world.

Now it's back to that soon-to-be studio and worrying about paint. This has been a very pleasant interlude!


Brenda said...

sending a very big congratulations to you as parents of the graduate. Excellent parenting and training to get to this point! We wish him well.

Suzanne Kistler said...

Thanks Brenda! How is your summer progressing? Are you going to tackle any Steps?

pb said...

you are a beautiful family. They all look so comfortable with each other and you and pete look especially good for putting 3 kids through college.