Saturday, December 8, 2012

Go, Go, Go!

This is the season to 'make a list, and check it twice'...I need to find time to make that list!  I wish I could say I'd done this, that, and the other thing, but nothing is getting done, not really.  I bought the tree yesterday, but it's still at the tree lot, waiting for husband to pick it up.  oops.  Dropped that ball.

The sink is still in the middle of the bathroom floor, with no new faucet in sight.  Let's set a goal to get it together before Christmas.  goals are good!

We had the Best of the Valley mailing party on Wednesday, and entry forms are now on their way to those on our November mailing list.  If you didn't receive an entry form, you can find one here.  Think about entering your work.  We currently award over $3000 in prizes.  If you don't enter, you can't win. 

Enough of that.  You have until late February to submit your entry.  I'm planning to get back to mine after the first of the year.

I made another card, and mailed it out yesterday.
At this point, no scrap is too small.

I got distracted, and put together my submission for Postmark'd Art's Round 16 "texture" exchange.  They went in the mail this morning.  Well, look at that.  Blogger is feeling creative this morning, with the orientation of my pictures.
 Here's a close-up of one,
 Here's another.
I wove fabric strips, stitched them together, then added some perle cotton running stitches, a bead or two, and yarn.  I think they meet the "texture" descriptor.  I kept imagining whether or not it would be of interest to a blind person.  I hope it would.

Other than puttering, I haven't done much of anything.  Time to pull the ladder inside and start pulling things out of cupboards.  Goals are good.  Perhaps, by the end of the day, I will have some decorative progress to show you.  Until then, I'll leave you with the latest picture of Pixel...and a couple of the cats.
P.S.  Charlie does not know what to do about this infestation.  Edgar tries to ignore it, "It's not happenin', man..."


Barbara Sindlinger said...

Love the woven postcards. Very pretty. Got my entry this week - now have to see if I have a quilt I'd like to submit or if I have to work on one.

Quiltedtime said...

I got my entry, too! I'm a workin' on it!!! Your postcards look great. I like the decorative threads.

Quilt Crazy said...

Love Best of the Valley! What great show. Thanks for all the work you ladies do to make it happen.