Friday, May 3, 2013


So I've been grandly goal-setting and thinking that I plan to do this, that, and the other thing.  But the asthma kicked in last week, and seems to be here to stay.  Rather than follow through on those best laid plans, I'm plugging along, taking mid-day naps, and simply trying to breathe. 

goals are good.

At Retreat, I finished two baby quilt tops, to wit:
I "finished" the Sara-inspired top in my previous post.  I'm trying to add a wee bit of embellishment, but it's not currently a priority.

I started a new project, but there's nothing to show.  For the most part, it's in my head.

My latest fantasy is that I'm going to finish a project from last year, and submit it to Houston.  That means it needs to be Finished finished in a couple of weeks.  Call me crazy.  I'll post a picture once it's done.

But really, right now?  All I want to do is breathe...


Barbara Sindlinger said...

Crazy. You said to call you that. Breathing is more important than all those goals. This valley is tough o a lot of people. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Quiltedtime said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. I know from first hand experience what asthma feels like. Take care of yourself first. If we don't have our health, we have nothing.