Friday, June 21, 2013

Playing Catch Up

It still feels amazing, to have the Great Carpet Re-Do become a thing of the past.  whew!  The carpet part is the thing of the past.  The moving back into usefulness is an ongoing project.  Will it ever end?  I certainly hope so!  More things have found their way into the Rescued Treasures box for donation.  If only I were willing to fill more boxes.  Unfortunately I tend to like the things I have.  That's why I have them.  :)

I made the time yesterday, to finish up my part in the Postmark'd Art Round 17 "Texture" exchange.  It took longer than I expected, and the thing that caused the most delay was the malfunction of my camera.  I think I need to replace it, as the timing of the flash has gone all cattywampus.  I eventually scraped up another camera, and waited the requisite 5 hours for the battery to charge.  Actually, the photos aren't bad.  Maybe I'll use this one for a while, and see if I can adjust to it this time around.

Oh?  You wanted to see the postcards?  Here you go:

I'm not sure if you can see the beads on each card.  I wove fabric strips, stitch/quilted them, added beads and vintage buttons, and then the flashy fringe around the edge.  I had a terrible time with the first card, so I switched to a basic satin rattail for the second.  It was then that I realized it wasn't the yarn, it was the beads that were interfering with the walking foot.  I switched to a regular presser foot, and the problem disappeared.  I went back to the flashy edge for the remainder of the cards.

With all of my home improvement projects, I haven't made time for much blog reading.  I'm SO behind!  I ran across a link to a fascinating essay on the declining quality of quiltmaking, and thought I might share it with you.  This is not a rant - well, maybe it is - but really, it's a well-written piece by someone who takes pride in her skill level and encourages others to do the same. 

It could be a lightning-rod for a discussion, which isn't my intent, but I've heard her sentiments expressed by several other high-profile quilters.  Some have not been so measured in their words.  She writes with frustration, not the highly critical anger I've heard from others.

Anyway, it's food for thought.  As to my position?  Yes, I do agree that quality matters, and that one should put forth the effort to produce quality work.  Does that mean everything comes out perfect?  Not by a long shot.  But obvious flaws should be dealt with, shouldn't they?  I don't leave them in, not if I can help it.

And there you go.  I'm headed back to the Studio, to see if I can find more places to put things away.  Goals are good!  Happy Quilting!


Quiltedtime said...

I read the article you recommended. Whew, does she have a bee in her bonnet! Wonder what exactly set her off. As I see it, if some people want to do sloppy work, that is their choice. It sounds like the publishing industry needs to tighten up their standards in regards to the quality of work they will accept and publish. The problem is, as both you and I know, Suzanne, they are always working with looming deadlines. That most likely contributes to the hurried work.

Barbara Sindlinger said...

I read the article you noted before. Today I found this interesting article about the most dangerous person in quilting who happens to be Suzie (a fictional person though). It too was thought provoking.

I know the modern quilters think we traditional quilters come down on them and I'm sure some do, and think we don't accept them, which I don't think is the truth. I just wish we could all get along. I think some people just like to stir stuff up if you know what I mean. But these types of articles do make for great conversations with my quilty friends.