Friday, October 25, 2013

Wonder-ful Retreat

Don't you just love it when the bugle blares and it's time to Retreat?  Well, I'm pretty sure some retreats are more desirable than others.  Among the top of the line are quilt retreats.  They're my favorite.  :)

I've tried to take pictures, so that you can retreat vicariously.

Day One was primarily spent in the getting there and gathering my thoughts.  Those were pretty scattered.  On the way, a must-see stop is the Art Stand art gallery at the corner of Hwy 180 and Frankwood.  My wallet always leaves a bit lighter.
 of course there's the mandatory cow shot, but I didn't see all that many cows this year.  Strange.
My first personal assignment was to complete two Komforters for Kids.  That's our guild community service project.  These two quilts will be given to kids in distress, probably some time in the near future.  I didn't make the tops, I only quilted them.
 We do a number of block exchanges at retreat.  I like this "mountain colors" off-center Log Cabin.
 What I'd really like to win are the purple/blue/green/turquoise strip sets which were to be "untrimmed, but large enough to accommodate an 8.5" square.  Not only do I want the 8.5" squares, I'd LOVE the trimmings!!!  Can you say, "Postcards!"?
I started piecing a simple baby quilt, but didn't finish before bedtime.  I'll save that for the next post.  Instead, I'll leave you with this picture, that just came into my inbox.
Such a pretty little princess!!!


Quiltedtime said...

Oh, I am so happy that Penny's dress fits! That color is great on her.

Barbara Sindlinger said...

it fits her perfectly--she is a princess.

Can't believe how much you got done in day one of retreat. Wowser.