Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Stitch Faster, Stitch Faster!

Faster than a speeding bullet.  That's how quickly the entry deadline for Best of the Valley quilt show seems to be approaching.  I've taken pictures of most of the little quilts I'm planning to enter, but the piece de resistance?  It's still in pieces.
 There are piles waiting to be cut.
 And the last partial blocks to be pieced.
Despite my progress, I'm still WAY behind.
My table assistant isn't much help.  And then I get distracted, and check out the orchard, to see how the trees are.
 (I really wanted to check in on Mr. Roscoe, to be sure he's feeling good.  He's feeling good.)
So.  I hope you're putting together your entries for the quilt show.  And I hope, for your sakes, that you are further along in the process than I am!!!

Better get back to work!


Barbara Sindlinger said...

You can do it. Focus focus focus. Rosco is looking good, poor baby.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I have the paperwork on my desk and vow to have it completed and in the mail very soon.

sewmuchfun said...

Need to make my labels! Keep up the good work!