Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New Year

hmmm.  A New Year.  New Beginnings. A Time For Goal Setting.  Where does one even begin?  I guess at the beginning, right?
 My Studio is still in the state of chaos that it was in on Dec 21.  On Dec. 22, I broke my leg.  It seems more than the leg was broken.  The rest of my Christmas preparations came to a halt, and I've spent the past 10 days learning to ask for help.  It's a steep learning curve, and one that I find exceptionally difficult to navigate.  I was raised to think that needing assistance was a sign of weakness.  I've learned that asking for help is more accurately a sign of courage and trust.  I feel like a stranger in a strange land, but my kids have been terrific in terms of helping me to adjust.

The one who is not adjusting well is Scruffy.  He used to have the run of the kitchen, and was dependent upon us to let him outside.  Now his indoor space has been severely decreased, by a relocation of the indoor doggie fence.  My son installed a doggie door, which took Scruffy 48 hours to learn to operate.  He thinks its purpose is to allow him access to the slider, where he leaps and jumps and barks demanding entrance to his kitchen.  Sorry, Scruff.  Go back to your doggie door.  His unfortunate reward for his noisy behavior is to wear a bark collar.  He acts like he's being punished, which is not the case.  But try explaining that to a dog...I'm not getting very far.
So, anyway, back to goals for 2016.  My first goal is to figure out how to operate the foot pedal of my Bernina with my left foot.  And then I have a stack of 6 baby quilts, just waiting to be quilted.  Good thing I got all of that basting done, back when I was able to do it! 

And with that, Happy New Years to you all.  I hope you each are able to set an attainable goal, something that really gives you a sense of accomplishment.  Right now, it doesn't take much to make me feel victorious.  Sometimes just getting up out of the wheelchair is huge.  Quilting a quilt?  That will be a dream come true!


Vicki W said...

You will get the hang of the left foot pedal in no time. I have to use mine often when tendinitis flares up in my right today. Sometimes I use my left foot without thinking about it.

Barbara Sindlinger said...

I was told by someone it's better to use your left foot. I hope you can figure it all out and by the time you do, you'll be all better.