Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Lesson #4 Complete

whew!  After ditching my original idea for Lesson #4 in the online Katie Pasquini Masopust class, I found myself with 4 days to work my second idea.  It went together fairly quickly, once I just started sewing.  The main idea of this assignment was disappearing lines.

For starters, I clicked through some photos from a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  I settled on this as my target image:
 I quickly pieced together the background, and started trying to make jellyfish without using transparent fabrics.  It was an immediate fail, so I pulled up this piece of inspiration in its place.
 I appliqued some kelp in the background, but it needed something more.  Last year, when we were in Oceanside, we(I) collected a bowl of mussel shells.  Perfect!
My son tells me that "Kelp is green, Mom," but I tell him he is WRONG.  I grew up fighting kelp in SoCal beaches, and it's always been that orangey-brown color, not green.  harumpf.  Anyway, this is what I came up with:
 I was particularly smitten with the mussel, and will be making some more in the not-too-distant future.  (The color of the full quilt is accurate.  The color of the detail is washed out.)
And in other sewing, I made a card for my husband's birthday, which he celebrated over the weekend.
He's into cows.  hubba hubba.

1 comment:

Barbara Sindlinger said...

Oh my goodness, that cow is hilarious and perfect for your vet husband.

I love your beach piece. The mussel is wonderful.