Monday, August 11, 2008


In July of 1982, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful daughter...

She brightened our days and delighted our hearts and loved to learn about the world around her.

We could not read to her enough to satisfy her need to learn, so she taught herself to read by age 4.
She had a bit of a penchant for dressing up, although dying her hair black wasn't her favorite experience...

She played AYSO soccer for years and years - we've got the pictures documenting it.

She grew and blossomed into a beautiful young woman..

Here she is in 8th grade, almost as big as her Momma...

And she loved to play with her Daddy...

She took up basketball, a personal passion of mine, and even went out to play on the day that it snowed in the valley...

Her art was as attractive as she was/is, and this picture was taken when her painting was selected to hang in the Congressional Art Show in Washington, D.C...

Isn't she a pretty thing?

And smart too...she graduated from UC Berkeley, with a degree in Art...

And Jeff was there to help celebrate..

Here are Jeff and Allison and Pete, as we got to know each other, picnicking on the lawn at Stanford...(shh, don't tell any Berkeley people!)

He even came to Pacific International in 2005, wow! I'm not sure he's a fan of quilting, but he was a very good sport!

In 2006, Jeff and Allison went to China, to teach English to Korean students in Beijing...

But before they went to China, they became engaged, and celebrated in Maui...

And on Friday, she called to say, "Mom, we're eloping, we're getting married tomorrow..."

May the Lord bless them and keep them and make His face to shine upon them, and be gracious to them and lift His countenance upon them and give them peace and happiness and a lifetime filled with blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzie and Pete, What terrific news! Congratulations! This is a lovely tribute to Alison and Jeff!
Hugs, Jan K