It seems like every time I get on the computer, I get some sort of surprise or another. Today I am told that I am not following any blogs. Really? I could have sworn I was following blogs yesterday, but apparently my personal blog-roll has been deleted. lovely.
On Monday, I couldn't get my email.
On Tuesday, my power supply to my modem died.
On Wednesday, I got a new master cylinder for my car.
Every day it's something.
Several months ago, we found an abandoned well. We've been trying to get it legally destroyed, and yesterday was the day. Finally!!

It was quite a production.

One reason it took so long was the difficultly in coordinating the three parties and the permit. The concrete work had to be done by an Engineer, and the County Inspector had to be present for the entire process.

When I asked the inspector if he had a ring or a seal to impress in the cement, he laughed at me. "Better than that, I have the permit and pictures of completion on file with the County." Okay. Whatever works!
On a lighter note, I heard my first hummingbird in my yard on Tuesday. I whipped my head around and whoosh! He was gone.
I saw my second hummingbird yesterday, as I was leaving the walnuts. This time I had my camera in my purse, and snapped several pictures. This is the only one that didn't look like a total blur.

And that's that. Hopefully today won't hold any more surprises. I'm about surprised out!
1 comment:
:( So sorry for all your unexpected and not so good surprises.
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