I was barely back from San Carlos when my sister called. We've been trying to schedule a time for her to come up and visit, but her time is precious. She's on call 24/7, she's a professional dog walker. Her plan for a quick up and back visit changed a bit, when she was asked to sit for two dogs a day early. She already has two of her own.
It took me a while to agree to having 4 dogs come here. It wasn't easy, as they are all house dogs. I know they are well behaved, but one has a bad habit of chasing anything that twitches. And that one particularly enjoys attacking squirrels and...cats.
The big thing on the table was that Prissy needed to be leashed whenever she was outside, and that no one was allowed to let the cats inside. Amazingly enough, we all survived.
Here we are on one of the 6-8 walks we took during her visit. I'm pulling up the rear, along with the little Yorkie.

When the Yorkie gets tired, he looks for a ride.

And when he gets home, he runs straight for the spa.

His buddy, the Shih Tzu/Poodle, doesn't care that it's bath water. He's thirsty!

On Day 2, we went to the walnuts, to check out the trees. Looking good there, trees!!

Can you believe these dogs? They love my sister so much, they just hang out at her feet.

There was some sniffing going on, as Chupa allowed them to see where she lives. The only nipping happened when the two older dogs first met. I think Chupa was afraid she was going to be replaced. The second nip was awarded to the white dog, for excessive sniffing.

Here's Chupa, getting ready to make a run for it. I think this is her favorite side to show the camera. She shuns the paparazzi.

After the orchard tour, we sat on the porch, watching the cars go by.
Once again the Yorkie has made himself quite at home.

The old lady of the bunch is still plugging along quite nicely. This is the luckiest dog on the planet, found wandering the streets of LA at 6 weeks. When they say, "It's a dog's life," this is the kind of dog you hope they're referring to...(she used to be jet black).

Chupa was quite happy, as she had her Man by her side, stroking her head.

And here's the vixen, resting up for the next moving object. She's a handful, most definitely.

The visit went much better than I'd anticipated. I tried to take pics of all the dogs for you dog fans out there, but the Shihtzpoo is blacker than black, and the lack of contrast in his fur and face left every picture looking like a blur...
All so adorable. The little Yorkie is so cute - love his spa! too funny.
How wonderful to be around 5 dogs at the same time. Chupa has my vote though. She needs affirmations and LOVE - it looks like she is getting it, too.
Thank you so much for the doggie pictures. I love those eyes in that little Yorkie face and even though Chupa turns her back to the camera she has a cute backside!
Gotta love the pooches and the way they so thoroughly enjoy life...no matter where they are.
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