Monday, September 19, 2011

Walnuts and Quilting

So you thought you were done hearing about the walnuts, didn't you? You're not. There's more.

When they shake the trees to knock down the nuts, the trees don't always like it. Sometimes the branches break off, like this one.

Here you can see where it separated. I'm pretty sure that the other side will come crashing down as well. If it doesn't come down before the second shake, my guess is that the second shake will destroy it. The angle of my photo makes it look like there's more to the remaining branch than there is. I should have found a better angle.

To really give you a sense of the size of this thing, my tree model is over 6'3", and weighs ~ 325. The branch is crazy huge.

We're in the middle of irrigating, and last night I volunteered to go along and see how it's done at night. It's done with the Metro, and Chupa.

We flew low across the dirt access roads, and stirred up a lot of dust. Have you noticed that walnuts are a dirty business? I had no idea.

The boy checks the water, closing some valves and opening others.

I watched from the car, as the neighbors watched me.

This is how the irrigator opens and closes the valves.

His helper is masquerading as a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, running through the water, lapping it up and frolicking like a puppy. Chupa, the Magnificent.

But it wasn't all walnuts, I did mention quilting.

First, the SAQA Auction has moved along to Phase 2, with the 12" quilts currently selling for $750. The remaining quilts from Phase 1 are in the SAQA store, available for $75. Yes, you've guessed it. My quilt did not sell. If you're interested, it can be found here. If not, I think it will be returned to me at the end of October.

I picked up my quilts (and photographs) from the county fair this morning. My airplane quilt (the one utility quilt I'd entered) won a nice pink rosette for "FairGoers' Favorite." Apparently the quilt(s) that receive the most comments are awarded the rosette on the closing day of the fair. The other quilt to receive the award this year was an orange and black quilt made from Giants fabric that spelled out "Torture," in celebration of last year's run to the World Series.

I also received two acceptance letters for PIQF this morning, which threw me for a loop. I only remembered entering one quilt, but apparently I entered two. I know I've been crazy-busy and not a little distracted, but really. Forgetting I've entered a quilt in a show seems like a bit much...

And now, I've got some quilts-for-hire that really need my attention.

That, and I'm still hoping to tour the walnut buyer's shelling facility later this week. Til next time!


Sister Diana said...

Walnut harvest is fascinating. Thank you for the insight into how it is done. Thanks even more for the canine picture showing Chupa working and earning her "keep".


NOT Janet said...

Just found your blog, and love it! I am right down the road in Bakersfield....practically neighbors!! Love your quilts.