I've been trying to come up with something quiltie to blog, but I wasn't having much luck. Do you want to see my quilts hanging at PIQF? There's the green one in the center...

And the lion on top. Notice that my quilt had the privilege to hang above the Best Handworkmanship winner, made by Zena Thorpe. Believe me, I just had to read her name on the winner's list to know that she had me beat when it comes to handworkmanship. I didn't need to hang right next to the quilt to prove it! ;) (I just found it curious, as all of the wall quilts were hung in alphabetical order...except for hers, and the zebra above. Very odd.)

But I didn't think those quilts were interesting enough to post about. How about a travel pic? See the cherry shed up ahead? That was where my son's Explorer broke down on Labor Day weekend. Did I tell you about that? He was a mile out of Gilroy, when his alternator went out. We drove over from Santa Cruz on a rescue mission, and didn't get there until well after midnight. I've since passed this cherry shed five times, and finally broke down and took the photo.

Or maybe you'd like to see Penny's latest trick. She came up with this one while we were talking this afternoon. Don't blame blogger for the sideways picture, it's the iPad's fault. I have no idea why, but the screen shot photos always seem to be flipped. (see? She's eating her foot.)

The police cat (black&white) is unimpressed. He's one of the locals who thinks we've got the best grub in town. And best places to nap. And best places to just hang out. He is not my cat, and he is not NotMyCat. :)

But none of the above was enough to get me to the computer. What got me here, was an email from a friend.
Today, out of the blue, I received a copy of Machine Quilting Unlimited from the publisher. Strange. I don't subscribe, and it was in an envelope.
I opened it. aha! It's the issue with
Sharon Schlotzhauer's article in it! I'd helped her by reading it a few months back, and I thought maybe she sent it to me as a thank you. And so I sent her a thank you. I put the magazine aside, to read on the plane in a couple of weeks.
Well, I got a response telling me to OPEN THE MAGAZINE!! Why? Well...
There's a lovely picture-filled article about Sacred Threads, and somehow my Lily quilt made the cut. You know? The lily on my masthead? Yes, indeed. More Glorious Than Solomon is in print.
As the post title says, I am stunned.
And now I want to read the magazine before I get on the plane.
But I have a quilt to finish before Saturday, so I should probably get back to it. I'm halfway done with the quilting. The plan is to finish tomorrow, and attach the binding. The wedding isn't until 4pm Saturday. I'm good, right? Plenty of time?
If I don't post, I'm quilting. yay!
Never could figure out how they hung the quilts at PiQF - alphabetical - really?
You have a very talented granddaughter. I can put my foot in my mouth but not in the literal sense. :)
Congrats about getting a picture of your quilt in a magazine.
Yes Suzanne, Congratulations on being selected as one of the outstanding Sacred Threads pieces to appear in Machine Quilt Unlimited. Barb Hollinger looked closely at all the pieces to choose the ones with particular emphasis on superior quilting. Barb took the photos before we mailed the pieces home. And Kit then choose which ones to include from our set. I got to contribute to the article by answering questions and providing the mailing addresses of the included artists. Enjoy!!
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