Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Last night Sew Eclectic met, and it was time to reveal our latest installment of our Design Board Challenge.

I began work on mine in Oceanside, knowing exactly what I wanted to do.  I just now looked, and found that I neglected to take a picture of the board I was working from.  doggone!  How are you going to know what inspired me? 

Cindy collaged pictures from magazines.  Those that stood out were a deep blue moonlit bay, blue geode, blue beach glass, and a random assortment of gemstones.  Lots and lots of blue, shots of color, and lots of sparkle and reflection.  It only followed that I would use blue, add some color, and bead.  A no-brainer.  I just finished.  Here is my quilt, "Inspired by Cindy."
Maybe, once the series is finished, I'll come up with "real" names for these quilts, but for now, I'll differentiate them by whose board my quilt is based on.

Next project:  Thimble Towne's Challenge is due in August.  I've got my fabric pack, I've got my idea, I've cut the first pieces.  On your mark, get set, go!


Barbara Sindlinger said...

The beads just sparkle on the quilt. Very pretty.

I started my Thimble Towne challenge last night.

Anonymous said...

love the blue quilt. It would be fun to make one like that, showing the Big Dipper. Love the flow of bead sparkle.


Sara Kelly said...

The tiny red squares make the composition come alive, especially the one in the bottom corner. You wonder if it's entering or exiting.