Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quilt Faster! Quilt Faster!

With the Best of the Valley entry deadline LOOMING on the horizon, I'm quilting as fast as I can.  By hand.

Quilt faster!  Quilt faster!

My quilt isn't all that large, it's just that I'm quilting it with close to matchstick quilting.  okay, so not really, but it seems like it.  For handquilting?  It's about as close as I ever want to get.  I don't have a recent picture of the quilt, but here's where I blogged about it.  I added a few more details and some embroidery before beginning the quilting.  And now I am quilting, as fast as I can.
Quilt faster!
Quilt faster!

All that remains to be quilted is the sky.  And the sky is the bulk of the piece.  oh well.  Goals are good!

Our Art Group (Sew Eclectic) shell challenge pieces have all been turned in.
Now the challenge is to decide how to link them together into a single piece.  Because they are not all the size of the section we were supposed to replicate, there are some gaps.  In other places, the pieces fit right together.  A friend suggested that I mount them on a fishing net.  What a great idea!  I've ordered one from Etsy, and am awaiting delivery, hopefully this week.  Until then, I will keep quilting on the Lifeguard Tower quilt.

I have a couple of other quilts I wanted to finish for the show, but that doesn't look like they'll be happening any time soon.  oh well.  If I don't set goals, I don't know what I'm striving for, and without a target or a deadline?  I end up finally getting around to quilting a quilt that deserved to have been finished two and one half years ago!!

And I guess that's it.  Thanks for stopping by!

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