Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tick Tock

March has been a whirlwind.  Not a stitch has been sewn, not a fabric fondled, not a needle threaded.

oh wait.  There was Block of the Month made for guild, but other than that?  nada.

I am in the throes of quilt show organization.  If you live anywhere near Central CA, I do hope that you have marked your calendar for April 5-7.  Best of the Valley Quilt Show is next weekend, and it's going to be AMAZING.

The BOTV team has been working, working, working, putting together a show worthy of the title Best of the Valley.  The quilts come in on Monday, the judges work all day Tuesday, we begin hanging the show on Wednesday, the vendors arrive on Thursday, and on Friday?  We open the doors and welcome you in.  Please come.  You will be glad you did.

And tell your friends, and bring them, and tell them to bring their friends, too!  :D

As to the Block of the Month, these are the blocks that were turned in for March:
 Turns out I REALLY like those blocks!  I had envisioned them set on point, with empty blocks for quilting, but seeing them like this?  On the wall?  I REALLY like them.  Do not be surprised if I make some more in the next year or two (or three).

The block for next month is the BowTie.  With the quilt show, I didn't have time to do anything intricate.  We have shirting fabric for the background, and then something bold for the bow tie.  I think the results will be really fun.  I hope so!
 For the most part, other than quilt show paperwork, I've spent a lot of time babysitting this little sweetie pie.  She has decided that she's all grown up, and prefers to use a plate and a fork.
 I took these pictures on the first day I gave her the plate and fork to feed herself.  She's getting really good at using them.  Like I said, all grown up.
 Her cousin, our youngest (for now) grandchild, has been a busy boy.  He's growing quickly, and is almost big enough to wear his dress hat.  I believe his other grandma made it for him.  He's not quite sure what he thinks about it.  At three months (today), he's probably not all that concerned about his attire.  He's more concerned with whether or not his next meal is ready for delivery.  I spend 1 or 2 evenings a week watching him, too.
And that's it around here.  Perhaps I will post more than once in April, but in looking at my calendar?  I might be surprised if I post anything at all.  I'll try to make a point of checking in once the show is over.  There.  Goals are good!

And with that, I hope to see you at the show next weekend!

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