Monday, February 24, 2020

Checking In

Wow!  Hard to believe it's been a month since I last posted.  The days are flying by quickly.  2020 will soon be a memory if it keeps advancing at this rate!

We spent the second week of February in Oceanside, CA.  Hubby was there for the first part of the week.  I spent the second part hunkered down with my quilting.

 I had a view of the water from my upstairs suite.  Very nice!!  At one point I worked on this wonky fish quilt, but it wasn't coming out the way I'd hoped.
 Eventually I switched back to "Two Beauties," and was able to finish it in time to enter in the Best of the Valley Quilt Show.  The entry deadline was February 14.  Acceptance letters went out this past weekend.
I was busy finishing the facing on Valentine's Day, so hubby had to wait a few days for his valentine.  I decided that our little beach getaway was the perfect inspiration.
 Earlier in the week, I'd put together this valentine for our oldest granddaughter.  She will soon be 9.  I used a hand towel that I'd found at an estate sale sometime during the past year.
 I had lots of quilted scraps that I put together for granddaughter #2's valentine.
 Her valentine was 2-sided, and stuffed like a tiny pillow.
Granddaughter #3's valentine was stuffed, with a rattle inside.
 It was also 2-sided.
 Granddaughter #4's heart was also stuffed, with a rattle.  If I remember correctly, both sides were similar.
 Last, but not least, our grandson's stuffed heart also contained a rattle.
 His had this cute bird fabric on the back.  Very baby boy manly, in my opinion.
And there you go.  Some stitching has been happening, but not a lot.  From now until the end of April, the quilt show will be my priority.  Goals are good!

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