I thought it was going to rain again today, but instead we had sunshine all afternoon. I shoulda woulda coulda gone outside to do more than take pictures, but I didn't. I've set some January quilting goals, and I really need to try to meet them.
I haven't had much hope for this year's crop of irises. I went through them during the summer, picking and culling, and preparing them. By mid-December, they had new growth, and that always gets under my husband's skin. Plants should not grow. New growth just means more yard work. He "cleaned out" the iris beds. Here is a picture taken today, showing the status of my irises. Usually at this time, they are all leafed-out and throwing up stalks for blooms. Not this year. They should be 4 times this size by now...

But some are blooming. There are a couple of die-hards that know what to do and when to do it, no matter what the circumstances. Doesn't your heart just ache for this poor twisted little plant? Ordinarily the iris blooms at the top of a 3-foot stem. This poor guy is barely pushing 6 or 8 inches. no joke. It is SO sad!!!

Two others were able to burst forth in beauty, but the rain has them looking pretty bedraggled. Actually, I think the entire yard looks pretty bedraggled...

But that's enough of the outdoor flower show. Time to move indoors.
Let it be known that I am the queen of procrastination. If I can do it tomorrow, and still get away with it, I will. It doesn't matter what "it" is, and often it doesn't even matter how important "it" might be to my peace of mind and well-being. When it comes to deadlines, I turn into Scarlet O'Hara: I'll think about it tomorrow!
I tried to upload the rose card again, this time it loaded properly. Can you read the quote? It says, "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment..." Georgia O'Keefe. Can you see the little rose close-up, in the upper right corner? I bought some red beads last night, thinking that I might add some pizzazz...

Next week we're going to meet our daughter's in-laws for the first time. She's suggested that I bring "one of your little art quilts" as a gift. hmmm. I've been trying to come up with something appropriate, but so far have been unsuccessful.
I thought about maybe giving them this tropical one, but even Blogger votes no. (At least I assume that's what the sideways picture means...)

In trying to find inspiration, I studied all of the STUFF on my design wall. There it was! It's perfect! Not only that, but it's finished!!
During the summer, I printed a colored pencil drawing by my daughter on fabric. Then I thread painted it, as an experiment. When I'd finished, I pinned it on the design wall. And there it was, waiting for me. What do you think? Is it perfect or what?
This picture has a lot of glare, but shows the threadwork best.

This picture has less glare, but is also a bit fuzzier.

I think it works. They love our daughter, and the image is her creation. All I've done is color it in thread and fabric. Perfect. At least I hope it's perfect.
And in the meantime, while I was trying to decide what to do, I started plowing through that
Sue Rasmussen landscape from last year. The portable design wall takes up entirely too much room, and I'm tired of tripping on it. This thing has GOT to go. Four (or was it six?) hours later, the design wall is gone and another UFO has marched one step further to completion.

Too bad it's not the UFO that I've assigned as this month's step!!!
I've also been thinking a LOT about
Asilomar. I go in about 6 weeks, and hey, I'm going to need to take that portable design wall. Who says I procrastinate? I'm 6 weeks ahead!
Then again, I've done NOTHING on my January goals, and I've only got one week left. sigh. Goals are good.