I left the house about 8:15 this morning, for a meeting at the
McDermont Field House in Lindsay. This is where we will be holding this year's
Best of the Valley Quilt Show, in April. I was there to go over the details of our contract/agreement, and I was there for hours.
I got home just before noon, and spotted this spot, as I disembarked my vehicle.

I don't know about you, but a survey mark on my driveway (and Pete's grass) doesn't make me feel very comfortable. I looked up and...

yep. Something is up. I know they said they were going to replace the water line later this month, but what's with the marks on our property? Oh wait. It's in the street too.

And on the other side of my car...

And all across the lawn....

And more in the street...(excuse the can, it's garbage day)

I'd just finished snapping the pictures when a CA Water truck drove by. I asked him about the marks. He said that all of the different lines have to be marked, like the gas line and the cable line, etc., as well as the water line. I also asked when they're planning to do the work. He flipped through his notebook, "Looks like Tuesday, 1/20." oh. That's soon!
And he said that he thought that the broken down garbage truck back in November DID cause the damage. He said that a root may have caused an initial weakness in the pipe, but the weight of a garbage truck parked in one place for hours was more than enough to crush it. See? I was right! :)
And on a happier/cuter note...
There's been a lot of talk about calf hutches lately, especially in California. My husband took this picture last week, when it was 34 degrees outside. He's wondering - does ANYONE think this calf looks like she's suffering?

Big smile. THIS is what dairy calves in their hutches actually look like, just in case you've been fed something contrary by AR activists who are trying to get rid of calf hutches...
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