Monday, February 16, 2009

Stepping Forward

I guess there's something to be said for having a germy household.

My hubby's been sick for days, and it's one of those, "oh, you sound SO germy" sicknesses. It's not enough to knock him into bed for the day, but it is enough to keep him in the house. Over the weekend, I was also fighting a scratchy throat, which he said was the first symptom.

I have been overdosing on fluids, trying to flood it from my system. So far, so good. I'm still standing.

I put tables up to baste a for-hire quilt late last week. I kept them up, so that I could begin (and hopefully finish?) my February step. I am pleased to announce that I am making progress. And we're just past midway through the month! Wahoo!!

See? I put my paper and rulers and pencils on the table! Ahh, progress feels so good!

Okay, so you're probably thinking I'm getting a bit carried away. You are right. Putting the tools on the table isn't all that exciting. But this is:

Don't you think it's exciting? It's my base pattern for the center of the quilt. Today's plan is to make a freezer paper pattern with a PERFECTLY sized wedge of 22.5 degrees. This drawing has wedges that measure 22.5, 22, and 23 degrees - which isn't so noticeable on a 6" circle but becomes critical when the circle has a 40" diameter.

Sigh. So much progress, so much more to go. But I'm stepping forward, and I hope that you are doing the same! Happy February!!


Quiltedtime said...


This is awesome! I do think that this 12 step program is bringing out the best in all of us :-).

Way to go, girl!


pb said...

Well, I finally gave up completing my goal for this month. I know the month is not done but I was getting anxious and stress is not good for the heart right. So I am calling Pam Petersen and see if I can get a different date. I will never do a "lone star" again. Never.

Love the window. It will be beautiful as usual.

Anonymous said...

wow, Suzie, impressive pattern!