It's another one, the smallest one yet. Leave, little beastie!! You are not welcome here! Today the humane trap will come down from the crawl space and be called back into action. Are we the only opossum magnet in the neighborhood? Or are we the only ones who care? *sigh*
Never a dull moment...
I actually was wondering the other day if you were having any more visitors. You must have the best cat food in the neighborhood.
yeah, it's Science Diet. The varmints must be pretty health-conscious!!!
A decade ago I rented my condo to a Korean family who were in the USA for the first time. One night I had a frantic call from the father saying there was a giant rat in the patio area. The next day I took them a photo of a rat and one of a possum. They thought the possum was the ugliest of the two. I could have done something about the rats, but possums are so common here that nobody pays much attention to them. Sigh!
Serendipity! The next blog I read was
A different critter, but a really funny post. Del
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