I quilted all weekend at retreat, and ran out of thread. This is a sneak peek at my project.

I searched my box for more matching quilting thread. aaaarg!!! No 30 weight Sulky in color 1001 to be found!! I'm so close to finished - at least 75% quilted - and I ran out of thread. Look at that poor naked spool. It's so...empty.

I had another spool of white Sulky 30 wt, but it's the wrong color of white.

When I got back from retreat, I stopped at both Thimble Towne and JoAnn's, looking for white 1001 30 wt Sulky. All I could find was 40 wt.

Do I finish the quilting with the right color in 40 wt? Or the right weight and a slightly different color of white?
Neither choice was good, so I focused on quilting-for-hire instead of finishing my piece.
This afternoon I had 10 minutes of down time. I decided to organize my Sulky thread, making more space for more thread storage. oh. my. goodness. HOW did I overlook this? Was it here all the time?

Here's the story, in one picture. Empty spool of 30 wt 1001, full spool of 30 wt 1071, full spool of 40 wt 1001, and finally a full spool of 30 wt 1001. Now I can finish my project. yay!!

Not only that, but 20 hours and 32 minutes later, the brown and white quilt-for-hire has been completed and delivered. hip, hip, hooray!!!
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