Friday, July 27, 2018

A Few More Littles

 I made and mailed three more cards.  Once again, you'll have to trust me on that.  I forgot to take pictures of all of them.  Here are the two I remembered to record.
 I finished this little seascape, and did a really poor job of facing it.  I am not happy with the swooping corners or the woobles, but it's done.  And it's for a demo, so it's a demo of how NOT to finish a quilt.  ;)
 Then again, I really like the beaded accents.  :)
I've started work on a design for quilt #2 for the Katie Pasquini Masopust online class I'm currently enrolled in.  The only thing I have to share at this point, is that it will include sea shells.

I washed some fabric that I bought at Best of the Valley back in April.
 I also discovered yet another collection of oceany fabrics.  I'm not even sure why I'd set them aside.  My stack of choices for future seascapes has doubled, if not tripled in size.  I could make these things for months to come and still have fabric leftover.
Other than that?  I've been hunkering down indoors, trying to pretend that the long stretch of triple digit temperatures is imaginary.

I'll leave you here, with a few more images from Oceanside:
There's something about the beach that soothes the savage beast.
The ocean...and quilting.
Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Barbara Sindlinger said...

Your whipping them out. I was in Cambria this weekend and hated coming home to this awful heat.