Tuesday, August 6, 2019

So Hot

I spent the last couple of weeks moving bark.  Then I bought 1.5 yards of dirt, and moved that, too.  To date, I've moved 12 yards of bark, and 1.5 yards of dirt.  whew!!

I'm thinking that I will need to purchase at least another 12 yards of bark to finish the backyard, but with the temps in the triple digits?  It can wait a while.  I'm taking a break.

Unfortunately, I have not had much sewing time to fill that break.  I've made a couple of birthday cards, and that's about it.

 This second one looked a bit plain,
 so I added some embellishment.  It looks better in person.
When looking at my photos, I realized that I have done other mindless sewing, as well.  Way back in '06, I cut too many bias strips to make bias squares.  I wanted "plenty" for my Hoffman Challenge.  I had enough for that challenge, enough for a second wallhanging, and still more that have been languishing in a shoe bin for years.  I decided I wanted to empty that box.

Here is the result:
 And here is what I have left.  I still have that bin of odds and ends, but it's not quite as full.
 And, in case you were wondering what the bark looks like?  I have finished the front yard.  Mine is the blue house, the Tudor is the neighbor's.
And that's about it around here.  Next week, I am hopeful that I will have a lot more to share.  Goals are good!!

1 comment:

sewmuchfun said...

Your yard is beautiful. Love the cards. It is great to empty out bins that have been languishing...:)