Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Home!

As the kids leave for college, the quilts are starting to return. On Saturday, my 2007 Hoffman Challenge came home, bringing with it a friend. I like the looks of that friend, don't you?

"Encompassing Tradition"
2007 Hoffman Challenge
Suzanne Kistler

The quilt is much better than I remember it, but wow. It definitely needs to be blocked. I'd finished it at the last minute, shoved it in a shipping envelope and wished it good luck. After traveling for a year, I'm delighted to have it back. I can't say that I missed it - I was sick of it when I mailed it - but wow. Now we'll have a chance to get to know each other from a distance, rather than the up-close and too personal knowledge of the hand-quilting process.

On a different note, I just hung this in the bathroom. When I was visiting my dad for his birthday, I brought home a bag full of shells that my mom had set aside. They were all quite pretty, and I didn't want to lose them in a cupboard, so I put them in a shadow box.

Shadow boxes are my new favorite thing. I've used a few to display "art" quilts, and they make the quilts actually look like art. Now I've got some of Mother's shells on display. I can look at them for months on end without having to dust them. It's a beautiful thing.

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