We're perking right along, trying to stay on top of things. At the top of today's to do list is "Finish decorating the tree." I have been working on it in spurts, I haven't been good at sticking to a single task and seeing it through to completion before starting another. Strange. Never happened before... ;)
Here is the current state of the tree by flash...

Here's a close-up. If you didn't already know, you can click on any picture to see it bigger...

This is what Pete and Charlie looked like last night, as I worked on the tree. We were watching "It's a Wonderful Life," something that we do every year. Charlie has decided that he's Pete's cat. Every time he finds Pete on the couch, he jumps up, lays his head down and purrs louder than ever. Charlie looks like he's sniffing Pete's leg, but he's actually got his chin on Pete, and is sound asleep. He was pretty annoyed when the flash went off...
It's not only time for Christmas movies, it's time for Christmas lunches.
I met up with Wendy, for lunch and a little exchange. This is what I gave her. I was laughing to myself. Anyone who indicates that they LIKE homemade gifts gets swamped with them. I couldn't decide, so I just wrapped them up with a bow. :)

And look at what I got in return. It's the coolest Christmas card ever. :) Isn't it clever how she mounted it on cardstock? It declares itself to be a Work of Art, rather than leaving the recipient wondering whether or not it's supposed to be a coaster. (I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had that experience?)

Anyway, Christmas is in the air, and as you can see, we're practicing fog this year. Rudolph will be pleased to know that his services will be needed. Have a great weekend, and it's time to see if I can make some progress on my Christmas to do list...
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