I've decided that my Christmas scraps box is a magic box. It was full when I began making these hearts and stockings two weeks ago. I've made how many? At least 20 hearts, and probably close to 30 stockings, and the box is still full. Look at it, on the left side of the table. It's amazing. I wonder if it will ever go down? It should be gone by now! This does not bode well for my 12 step program. ;0

I've been busy the last couple of days. Here is what I have to show for my time...

I've probably mentioned our College/Career Fellowship. Depending upon how many show up on Sunday, I'll have a mini-stocking for each of them. I should make more, since I only have 16 ornaments...We had 13 attendees last week...
Tomorrow I will be totally housebound. ATT is going to install U-verse, whatever that is. They've been harassing me constantly about upgrading us - we still have rabbit ears on our TV. I finally gave in and agreed. If I don't like it, I can cancel within 30 days, no charge.
In the meantime, I have to be home for their 8-10am arrival, and stay home 6-8 hours for the installation. I see the gift of sewing time in my future, don't you?
I admire anyone having time to sew in December! Seems like I always have to pack away my quilting before Thanksgiving and get it back out mid January when the last of Christmas is put away.
I'm enjoying your Christmas projects.
Yeah, Suzanne. Why don't you just tip that little dowel and let those stockings fall off into a package addressed to me? They are adorable!
just thought you would like to know it is colder than a boulder here. 1 degree when we landed last night. I have the one quilt to finish but have to go to Joanne's to get a needle and thread forgot to pack that.
JPK: Atta girl - good for you, those little stockings look sooooo cute! Take a look at the Temari balls on my site, too! http://www.jankrentz.com/weblog/?p=585 Merry Christmas to All!
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