This first quilt was made for a guild challenge. We were given 6 Christmas fabrics and told to use at least three of them. We could add three more. I added a red with gold stars and the creamy background. You can't see it, but the interior is hand-quilted with gold thread. I remember quilting this while sitting in the waiting room at Children's Hospital while Daniel underwent gastric endoscopy. He had bleeding ulcers when he was 3. I'm glad those days are LONG gone!!
We used to live in Tulare, near Kaweah Drive. They went all out every year, putting lights on everything on the block. They would have decorated their pets, if they would have held still long enough!
I belonged to a small quilt group, and each member made a 4-house block for me. All of the trees and houses are covered with beads, representing Christmas lights. I was thrilled with the result, but now, so many years later, I cringe at the woobly edges. yikes.
Here's another oldie but goodie. I never named it. I just wanted a red and green throw quilt to make the house more Christmas-y...
And then there's this one. It's got to be a few years old too, because I remember sewing it while my machine was set up in our bedroom. That would have been before I appropriated Andrew's room, which I stole around 2004... Then again, I think I made this while I was working at Thimble Towne, and that was 2002-ish... yep. Another Christmas past. I gave this one to sister Carla that year. It was my lone attempt at a "string" quilt. It wasn't very successful...

I hope you've enjoyed this little trip down memory lane. It's kind of fun to pull out the pictures and remember back to by-gone eras...
And now, it's time for Christmas Present: Merry Christmas! And God bless us, everyone!!!
Merry Christmas, Suzie, to you and your family.
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