I've already made the first batch of Christmas cookies. These are Toffee Squares from the Betty Crocker Cooky Book, in case you're interested.

The cats are fascinated by the tree. Actually, it's the water bucket that really has their attention. For years Malcolm has seen it as his personal festive herbal water fountain. He's totally disgusted with the kittens. They don't appreciate the gift. They don't drink the water, they PLAY in it. splash! splash! dip! growl. Malcolm stalks off and refuses to even pretend that he's enjoying himself. The other two are still hoping to find fish...

The first is this Noah's ark banner. It's hand-appliqued. I made it several years ago, for a Tulare Church. I was all ready to baste it when the kids spoke up. And they were young. "Mom? Why did you put the rainbow upside down?" upside down? What are you talking about? "Mom, the red goes on TOP, not on the bottom!!!" Rather than fix it, I made an entirely new top, which has been quilted and given to the church. I think they've had it for more than 10 years....

This is a top made from "president's blocks." I was president of the Valley Oak Quilt Guild back in 1996. Many of the members made a basket block for me, of their choice. The blocks that sit horizontally have been put together and finished in a lap quilt. But the blocks on point? They are still waiting for finishing touches.

So I added irises. The problem with that, is that it makes the rest of the brown "dirt" borders look so...brown. sigh. Sue says, "You MUST add more flowers! All the way around the border!!" I'm still considering it. As I said, the blocks were given to me in 1996. The top has been together for at least 10 years. What am I going to do with it?!!

Finally, this top also seemed like a good idea at the time. The dinosaurs are hand-appliqued on the leafy background. They are replicas of dinosaurs painted by my daughter when she was in kindergarten. I wanted to make some of her art work "permanent." So far the only thing permanent about it is its place in my UFO stack. Maybe a border would get me more excited...

That brings my UFO total to 11, if I count the two baby quilts that will probably be done some time this month. That doesn't count any of the REAL UFO's, which are those assigned to boxes, or stacks of fabric, etc., etc. I've only listed the projects stacked on the ironing board and hanging in the closet. I've got the rest of the month to complete the list, this is definitely not a one day job.
And so, without further ado, I'll roll the dice and see who is to receive the quilted Christmas card. The winner is....#5 woohoo!!! Jan Krentz!!! Congratulations Jan, I'll send it on its way today.
Thank you so much to everyone who leaves a comment!! I feel like I spend way too much time involved in one-way conversation, and it's nice to know that someone out there thinks it's worth paying attention to....
And on that, I absolutely MUST finish this quilt-for-hire today. No excuses.
Is there any way I could get the recipe for those crack cookies? :D
Love the Kitty story, of course! :) Mine climbed half way up the tree last night...It was Rambo, so named by the kids. I do enjoy your blog!!
Thank you for the Christmas card! I don't even know what I have won - but that won't stop me from leaving comments. By the way, do you ever leave comments on OTHER's blogs - Grins - like MY blog? Just curious!
Hey, I think you should do a quickie job on that dinosaur quilt and send it out to Comforters for Kids. Jan
Hey, Suzie - one of those basket blocks - the sewing basket - is from me!! Jan
Do most quilters have cats? I think so. I even got my Maine Coon cat because I overheard a lady in a quilt store saying that she raised them.
I was so tickled by one store owner who advertises online and USED TO SAY that the fabric customers purchased from her could be guaranteed to come from her smoke-free and pet-free shop. The pet-free thing was immaterial (no pun intended) to me since the fabric immediately becomes pet-inspected the moment it comes into my home. Those boxes are just soooo exciting!
Interestingly enough, the lady has dropped the pet-free guarantee sometime over the last year. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........wonder what made her do that?
Did the quilting cat-fairy put a bug in her ear?
Happy sewing!
It's impressive to see the needlepoint stocking you blocked only a few days ago - already made into an ornament and on the tree!
My favorite UFO are your 2 blocks from your Scotland trip. Those have real promise, do more!!
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