First and foremost on my mind is my son Andrew.
Godspeed, Andrew! May He follow you and protect you around the world!!!
"If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me." Psalm 139:9,10
Those are words of hope and promises I hold on to as my kiddies venture further from the nest than I ever would have dreamed of going...
In contrast, our ordinary life seems quite mundane.
Last night was my husband's office/business party. It was such a success last year, they wanted to have another one this year, at the same place. The party was held at Koetsier Ranch, a lovely venue created from a refurbished barn. This is what we saw as we arrived.

Last year, they had two deer, a buck and a doe. By the time we left the party - this is a large group of dairy veterinarians, (basically cow OB's) - the buck had mounted the doe and the vets were snorting, they were laughing so hard. Koetsiers fixed that. This year there was only one deer to mess with - they took away temptation. (I was a bit worried when I saw a polar bear on the other side of the display, but it was okay. It was far enough away that everyone left it alone.)
It was beautifully decorated indoors as well, and I just LOVED this display of nutcrackers. I have a thing for nutcrackers, I always have. But my "collection" is nothing like this one. (I do prefer nutcrackers made in Deutschland to those made elsewhere...)

Finally, yesterday I proposed to do something with this leftover treasure:

This morning, it looks like this:

What did I do with the patchwork? Why, I recycled it, of course!

The bottom card reminds me of snow, and I've quilted "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow" in the sky. It definitely calls for some clear/crystal beads to accent the theme.
And that, my dear friends, is what I've got for you today.
Instead of sewing, today's calendar says, "Finish the garage." I've taken on another project, and with a little (a LOT) of help from my friends, it is under control and almost finished. I can't wait to get my car back in there. It seems like it's been F O R E V E R that it's been on the driveway, although it's been less than a month.
Don't worry, I've got pictures. ;) Stay tuned...
Suzanne - Thank you for your comment on my blog. I don't observe Christmas, but I agree with you about the Grinch who complains about the outside decorations. They are so festive, how can they not make people smile and feel good about the human race. I say, "More lights, more cutouts, more..... Del Thomas
Way to go, Suzie! I recognize those fabric pieced diamonds! Thank you for the fabric card!! Jan
Aren't cow vets fun? I employ one occasionally to care for my horse. Last time I sent him out to the stable minus myself, since I couldn't get away from work that day. He called back a few hours later and said, "CONGRATULATIONS! Your horse has distemper." What a nut!
Several years ago, he was removing a small, benign tumor from another one of my horse's neck. I hung around and watched until it was determined that the tumor was, in fact, benign.
Then I sneaked over in the corner to sit on some stairs, trying to hide the fact that I was ready to pass out from seeing my dear mare cut open--even though it was a tiny cut. My queasiness didn't get past Dr. Paul. He called out, "Hey, do you need a little mouth to mouth?"
You gotta love him.
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