QuiltedTime was partially correct in asserting that I was covered with feathers. I WAS making feathers - lots of feathers! - but that wasn't the only reason I was missing from blogland. My computer got worms. ew gross!!
If you get a "notification" about a "Windows Antivirus" popping up on your computer, followed by an announcement that "you have a worm!" be aware that that IS the worm. And it's a nasty one. It showed up first thing Tuesday morning, and after talking with the local experts, I unplugged and took the ailing machine in for treatment. Two days later, it is clean and functioning. Sort of. It doesn't seem to like aol any more. Every time I try to check my email, Mozilla goes bye bye. Sigh. Life in the computer age.
But take away my computer? I go into an ohmygoshwhereismycomputerIneedtopost/ sendemail/workonthemailinglist/writeupabio/checkmyfavoriteblogs panic. Every time I walked through the living room, it called out to me - a phantom computer.
Thank goodness it was curable!
So back to the feathers. After a rescue by Charlotte - I used an entire cone of YLI red, running out with one border to go - I was able to sit down and finish the quilt this afternoon. Here is the back:
Quilting for hire has not been the only thing I've been doing. Today was guild, and our guest speaker was Sally Collins. I took a picture of her, but it came out so poorly I think she would have been unhappy with me had I published it. Instead, I'll show you some of her quilts.
These take my breath away. Tomorrow I am signed up for her Precision Piecing class, which I am really looking forward to. I've seen her classroom at Asilomar, and know that she is a very patient, organized, skilled teacher. Hopefully some of her skill will rub off on moi. :)
Here's another view of her quilts. I included Charlotte in the picture so that you would have a sense of scale. Much of her piecing is done with 1/4" pieces. Mindboggling to say the least!
Your quilting is beautiful! I would love to take a class with Sally Collins sometimes. I love her books.
The back of the quilt really showcases your feathers. Beautiful!
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